Ring Of Fire Card Game

To play Ring of Fire, you only need a relatively large cup and some regular playing cards!

Place the cup on the center of a table and then spread the cards face down around the cup in a circle (as seen in the image above).

Ring of Fire Rules:


Ring of Fire is one of the most popular drinking games for groups because it combines a variety of fun small games / tasks in one. How to play Ring of Fire. The Ring of Fire Rules are simple, grab a pint glass and place it in the middle of the table. Spread a pack of cards in a ring around the glass, and make sure there are no gaps (i.e. Ring of Fire Card Meanings The meanings/actions associated with the cards really add to the fun of the game. The great thing about ring of fire is that since everything’s based on random order, you never know whether a game’s gonna make or break your night.

  1. Ring of fire drinking game help please!? Although some students released a specially designed cards for Ring of Fire/Kings Cup. Check it here: https://www.
  2. Ring of Fire Card Meanings The meanings/actions associated with the cards really add to the fun of the game. The great thing about ring of fire is that since everything’s based on random order, you never know whether a game’s gonna make or break your night.

The rules are pretty simple, and the only complicated bit is remembering what each card represents. In short, you just have to make sure that:

  1. The game moves clockwise
  2. On your turn, you pick up a card and perform the action
  3. If you pull out a card and end up breaking the ring, you have to drink
  4. The first card you touch is the one you have to pull out

You guys can choose to end the game either when all the cards are drawn, or when someone draws the last King card and then drinks what’s in the cup.

Ring of Fire Card Meanings

The meanings/actions associated with the cards really add to the fun of the game.

The great thing about ring of fire is that since everything’s based on random order, you never know whether a game’s gonna make or break your night.


Two (2) is you

Choose someone to take a drink.

Three (3) is me

If you pick this card, you drink.

Four (4) is whore

All the girls drink. This one’s pretty demeaning, but hey, we didn’t make the rules. All boy whores can also drink if this card is drawn.

Five (5) Thumb Master

The person who draws this card can hold on to it for as long as they want. They are now the thumb master.

And when they feel the time has come, they can put their thumb on the table, and all the other players have to do the same. The last one to do so has to drink.

Six (6) is dicks

All guys have to drink.

Seven (7) is heaven

Same concept as Thumb Master (5). If you pick this card, you can hold on to it as long as you want. At any moment, you can raise your hand to the heaven and everyone has to follow. The last performer has to drink!

Eight (8) is mate

Choose a mate! Your mate will drink whenever you have to drink, but not the other way around.

Nine (9) is rhyme

Pick a word, the next player has to say a word which rhymes with what you said and so on. The person that cannot come up with a rhyme or repeats something has to drink.

Tip: If you really dislike the person next to you, say “Orange”.

Ten (10) categories

Pick a category, the person next to you has to mention something that fits the category. The person that cannot come up with anything or repeats something has to drink.

Example: Shoes – Nike, Adidas…

Card Drinking Games

Jack (J) – Rule

Definitely the most fun. You get to make a rule, it can be whatever you want. Be creative. Whoever breaks the rule has to drink.

A common fun rule is to forbid something that people do quite often – like looking at their phones.

Queen (Q) – Question Master

You are the question master until the next queen is drawn. Every time the question master asks a question, the person who answered them has to drink.

It could be something simple like “what’s the time”? Usually people forget about your role as the question master and they end up answering you anyway.

King (K)

Whenever someone draws a king, they have to add some of their drink to the cup in the middle.

You can add anything you want to the cup, so be creative with your drink of choice.

Only the first 3 players who draw a King have to add their drink to the cup. The person that draws the last King has to drink the “cocktail”.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to stomach it if you turn out to be the unlucky player.

Ring Of Fire Card Games


Ace (A) – Waterfall

Drinking Games

The player that picked the card has to start drinking and the rest of the group does the same.

If you pick this card, you can choose to take your sip as long as you want, and everyone still has to follow. Pretty quick way to get everyone drunk.

And this concludes our guide on how to set up and play your own game of ring of fire.

Rixty Card Numbers

We hope you guys are gonna have fun with this one; if you have any suggestions for fun card ideas, then let us know in the comments below!

Other Fun Party Game Ideas

If you guys wanna discover other party games, then check out MadWish, our truth or dare drinking game!

MadWish is filled with 200+ truth or dare questions for you and your friends. Just pick a card and fulfill the crazy assignment on it.

Don’t wanna do what’s on the card? Then take a shot instead!

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Drinking Games without Cards

The Ring Of Fire Drinking Game is a close relative of the popular card game Kings. All that’s required is a deck of cards and a can of beer, which should be easy enough to acquire. This game is a great way social drinking game to get players to loosen up and get to know each other.


A deck of cards and one can, bottle or cup to place in the center.


Set up


Shuffle the entire deck and place the cards in a ring surrounding a bottle or can.


Players take turns drawing cards and performing the action required. This can be anything from giving drinks to rhyming. If a player breaks the circle or causes a card to call off the can then he must drink.

Ring Of Fire Drinking Game Rules

The players first start off by playing the nose game. This means the last player to touch his nose after the cards have been set up is the one who has to start the game.

That player then draws a card and has to perform a specific action based on what card they drew. He must then balance the card on top of the central bottle or can. Then play continues clockwise.

Ring Of Fire Card Game Rules

  • 2 through 5: The player that drew this card must drink that many
  • 6 through 8: The player that drew it gets to give out drinks equal to the cards value. These can be split up however the player wants.
  • 9: Rhyme time. The player who drew this picks a word. The next player must pick a word that rhymes with it and then play continues clockwise. If a player fails to come up with a rhyme for that word or repeats one that was said already he must drink. It’s possible to “challenge” the player who came up with the word and if he cannot come up with 3 rhyming words himself he must drink.
  • 10: Rule. The player comes up with a new game rule. Any infraction on this rule results in 1 drink.
  • Jack: Gestures. The player that drew this must come up with a gesture of any kind. At any point in the game if someone sees him do his signature gesture everyone else must do it as well. Last player to do this must drink.
  • Queen: Question Master. The player who draws this becomes the question master until another player draws a queen. Until then if any player replies to something he says with anything but a question he must drink.
  • King: Categories. The player that drew this must come up with a category. Such as Car Brands or Metal Bands. Then in turn going clockwise each player must say something that belongs to that category. First player to fail at this by taking too long or stating something that has been said has to drink.
  • Ace: Waterfall. This card starts a water fall. First the player who do this starts drinking, then each other player in turn starts drinking. Nobody can put their drink down until the player before them does. So it’s really up to the drawer on how long he wants to make everyone drink.

The game ends when there is no longer any cards left to flip.

Other Rules

Ring Of Fire Card Game

If a player picks up a card that causes the circle of cards to break, and it’s no longer fully connected all the way around he must drink.

If a player knocks any of the cards off of the can he must drink for every card that fell.

Similar Drinking Games

Ring Of Fire Drinking Game Rules

The Ring Of Fire Drinking Game is great and easy to play. Our ring of fire rules might not match up with ones that you’ve seen elsewhere since this game tends to change rules from table to table. We’d suggest printing out the rules so that players have an easier time figuring out what actions they need to perform after they flip the card.