Dobble Card Game

Dobble is a simple pattern recognition game in which players try to find an image shown on two cards. Each card in Dobble features eight different symbols, with the symbols varying in size from one card to the next. Any two cards have exactly one symbol in common. For the basic Spot it! Game, reveal one card. Dec 22, 2019 Dobble (Spot It! In the US) is a speedy observation card game for 2 players or more. During the game, players have to spot the identical symbol between two cards as quickly as possible to collect cards and score points. The Dobble rule! Each card of the deck contains 8 graphical symbols. The deck contains 55 cards in total and there is always one and only one symbol in common between any two. If you like dobble, you will also like: Did Cleopatra know how to play cards? Find the answer to this question and thousands of others with Timeline, where you can combine your intuition and your knowledge with history. Oct 07, 2016 Dobble is a card-based game that will help your child increase their observation skills and their working memory (which will, in turn, help with self-control and concentration). The basis of the game is a set of fifty-five cards, each of which has eight symbols on it of varying sizes.

OBJECTIVE OF DOBBLE: The objective of Dobble is to win points by finding out the unique symbol shared by two cards.
NUMBER OF CARDS: 55 cartes (rondes) sur lesquelles sont représentés 8 symboles
TYPE OF GAME: visual recognition game
AUDIENCE: children


Dobble Card Game

For the basic rule (Infernal Tower):

  1. Deal a card to each player and keep it face down.
  2. Place the remaining cards in the middle. They will form the deck.


The goal is to discover the only identical symbol between two cards. The symbols are identical (same shape, same colour, only the size varies). There is always one and only one symbol in common between any pair of cards in the game.

All players play at the same time. No matter which variant is played, you must always:

  1. be the fastest to locate the identical symbol between 2 maps,
  2. name it out loud
  3. then (depending on the variant), take the card, put it down or discard it.

The rules below are for the mostly played variant of Dobble, called The Infernal Tower.

Aim of the game:
Collect as many cards as possible.


  • As soon as the game starts, players turn over their cards.
  • Each player must then find the identical symbol between their card and the card in the centre of the table (on the draw pile).
  • If a player finds an identical symbol, he
    • names it,
    • takes possession of the card concerned
    • places it in front of him, on his card.
  • By taking this card, he reveals a new card.

How To Play Dobble Card Game


  • The game stops when all the cards in the deck have been acquired by the players.
  • The winner is the player with the most cards.

Enjoy! 😊



The well

  1. Setup: Deal all the cards between the players, one by one. Place the last card on the table, face up. Each player shuffles his or her cards to form a deck in front of him or her, face down.
  2. Goal: get rid of all your cards before the others, and above all, don’t be the last one!
  3. How to play: Players flip their deck over, face up. You must discard the top card from your draw pile by placing it on the centre card. The player who is quickest to name a symbol shared by his card and the centre card can place his card in the centre. You have to be very quick, because the centre card changes each time a player places his or her card in the centre.
  4. Game end: The player who discards all his cards first wins the game, the last one to do so loses the game.

The poisoned gift

Card game spider
  1. Setup: Shuffle the cards and place one card face down in front of each player, then place the remaining cards in the middle of the players to form the draw pile, face up.
  2. Goal: to collect as few cards as possible from the deck.
  3. How to play: Players turn over their cards. Each player tries to find the identical symbol between another player’s card and the card from the draw pile, names it, takes the card from the middle and puts it on the player’s card. By taking this card, he reveals a new card.
  4. Game end: The game continues until the draw pile is exhausted. The winner is the one with the fewest cards.

Catch them all

To be played in several rounds.

Dobble Card Game Online

  1. Setup: at each round, place a card, face up, in the middle of the players, then place as many cards as there are players around the central card, face down. The remaining cards are put aside and will be used for the following rounds.
  2. Goal: to collect as many cards as possible before the other players.
  3. How to play: Turn over all the cards around the centre card, players must find a symbol shared by one of these cards and the centre card. As soon as a player finds an identical symbol, he names it and takes the card (warning: never take the centre card).
  4. Game end: as soon as all the cards have been retrieved (except the central card), the central card is put back under the deck and a new round is started. The players keep the acquired cards. When there are no more cards left to play a new round, the game is over and the winner is the player with the most cards.

The hot potato

To be played in several rounds.

Card Games Hearts

CardDobble Card Game

Dobble Card Game Cheapest

  1. Setup: at each round, deal one card per player, who keeps it in his hand, face down, without looking at it. The remaining cards are put aside and will be used for the following rounds.
  2. Goal: to get rid of your card faster than the other players.
  3. How to play: Players reveal their card by placing it flat in their hand, so that each symbol is clearly visible. As soon as a player finds the symbol shared by his card and another’s, he names it and places his card on the opponent’s card. The latter must now use his new card to continue playing. If he can find a symbol shared by his new card and another player’s card, he gives all his cards at once.
  4. Game end: the player who ends up with all the cards loses the round, and puts these cards on the table in front of him. Players play five or more rounds. When there are no more cards, the game is over, the loser is the player with the most cards.